Saturday, August 18, 2012

19th August 2012 - 04:38am

It's dark outside and very cold atm. Yesterday me and Brad split up, this time he dumped me. I went into the bedroom around 3am and asked him what his exact reasons were; and he said for the baby's best interests so i dont lose bub by miscarrying. 
We have been arguing alot lately and one of those arguments resulted in a trip to the hospital where i somehow had pulled a muscle in my tummy, most likely from anxiety from the argument.
My friend Crystal has been through alot lately, she just found out that all of the pain she has been going through was because of a 7cm cyst inside her reproductive system., I feel really sad about it because she wants to be pregnant more than anything right now, her and Matt are getting married real soon and it would be a perfect surprise for both of them.
Im really hoping after Crystal has the surgery it will happen for them, they both deserve to be very happy together.
I just finished off 3tubs of yogo, banana, strawberry & chocolate.. Was delicious as a snack.. I'm eating better than i used to before i got pregnant, and my weight isn't too bad atm. I have been diagnosed with Vitamin D defiency and have to take supplement tablets for to make sure there is enough vitamins for the baby. I am due March 28th 2013. I really wish Crystal could travel to Australia to meet me & bub after i give birth, but finances are quite tight both for me & her atm. 
I'm really looking foward to seeing photos of her & Matt at the wedding, going to print off one of the best ones, frame it, and put it on the mantel. She is my best friend & if i could be there for her right now, i would be.


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